When feelings of stress or worry interfere with daily routine and quality of life, it’s time to take action. Does your child have anxiety about going to school? Does your child have trouble focusing? Does your child tend to miss school because of tummy aches or headaches? Does your child avoid joining social activities due to anxious feelings? Your child is not alone.
In today’s fast-paced world, children of all ages experience some form of anxiety and stress. It’s a normal part of growing up. What we don’t want is the anxiety or stress to go unattended and manifest into something bigger. Anxious to Awesome™ is a holistic approach to mental health, exploring the root causes of anxiety and other causes for nervous system imbalances.
In this program, children will learn the therapeutic applications of mindfulness and yoga to help develop a deeper and stronger awareness of their body, breath, and mind; essential practices for their optimal and overall health and wellness. Just like we teach our children to have a healthy physical hygiene, we also need to teach our children about a healthy mental hygiene.
Sign up for my Newsletter to and be the first to know when new Anxious to Awesome Camps or Series are offered:

July 24-28 | Lake Country School Outdoor Classroom
Announcing two age groups this year:
Youth (ages 6-9) 9-11:30 am | Tween (ages 9-12) 1:30-4 pm
Early bird price: $300 by July 17th
($375 after July 17.)
Helping Kids Navigate stress and Anxiety with Fun, Practical Tools!
Your child will explore their inner resources by:
Registering for Anxious to Awesome Camp
Dates and Location: July 24-28, 2023 | Lake Country School Outdoor Classroom
Youth (ages 6-9) 9-11:30 am
Tween (ages 9-12) 1:30-4 pm
Early bird price: $300 by July 17th.
($375 after July 17.)
Please include your child’s (children’s) age(s) and the best contact method.

“I really liked Anxious to Awesome™ Camp because it was relaxing, helps you understand your body and brain and helps you prepare for what life will bring. Thank you Ms. Erin!”
Claire, age 11
Join me in this six week course, where we explore and play with the five elements of nature through fun themed yoga poses, breath work, creative expression, games, and relaxation strategies – all along with a sense of unity. Contact me to schedule this course as a group or as a private/semi-private.
Anxious to Awesome™ Kind Words
We signed up for Anxious to Awesome™ and my daughter loved it, she would come home and talk about it, she would share what she learned with us. In talking with a psychiatrist we have met, we learned that the earlier you can get a child learning mindfulness practices better the child will be able to cope with anxiety, and other mental health issues. Our daughter loves yoga and Erin so much that we had Erin do a yoga session at our home for our other daughter and friends to help them see that yoga isn't weird but is fun and can help them. A year ago we would have never thought to have signed up for Anxious to Awesome. Today we will sign my daughter up for it any time she wants. It has taught her calming techniques, empathy for others and has brought our Earth loving child more reasons to love and be in tune with the Earth and herself. Thank you Erin for all that you do. We’ve learned that mental health is just as important if not more important than physical health. Anxious to Awesome™ helps improve mental health.
Thank you for all your efforts and for having this great class. It has been quite a difference in Dean since he started and all very positive. I am so very grateful for you and this class.
We signed Claire up for camp hoping that she would learn some tools to help manage anxiety she was feeling about life and school. Not only did she receive those tools, she was ‘energized’ (her words) about learning more and continuing her practice. She really enjoyed the camp, all the different activities, and the time spent in nature spending some time on her. She was so excited to go to camp every morning this week. We are very appreciative of all you’ve done. Thank you!
Erin, will you be holding another Anxious to Awesome™ class? She really enjoys these classes with you. I’ve noticed a big difference in her ability to cope with certain situations. She understands how to use her tool box! ❤️ ”
“I am definitely signing up again. She was so sad that tomorrow was her last class and when I told her there was another session she was very excited!
I’ve also been noticing small changes – she’ll share when things made her happy or sad, which is big. Getting her to share anything before was like pulling teeth. She also explained that loud sounds give her a stomach ache. Has that come up in class? I haven’t seen her around other adults to see if there are changes in her shyness but I’m definitely seeing her come out of her shell more which is amazing. Thank you!!”